About us
Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for your support to the church and your help with lunch preparations over the years. As we resume our regular routine, lunch supplies have returned to normal.
The provision of lunch is not only meant to facilitate the needs of our fellow brothers and sisters, but more importantly, to provide a platform for fellowship and community. Preparing and cleaning together is also an opportunity to serve and get to know one another better.
This year, we have decided to cook our own lunch (at least) once a month. We hope to encourage participation from brothers and sisters who speak different languages, in order to live out the characteristics of a church family.
The time for participating in the lunch ministry will start from Sunday morning and continue until the afternoon, so there will be more time to serve and cooperate together. The menu will be simple, with assistance from chefs. This will allow everyone to enjoy a fresh and healthy lunch, and to serve together with brothers and sisters from different cultures and languages, establishing friendships in the Lord. We strongly encourage everyone to participate in the ministry at least once a year. We look forward to seeing you there.
To join, please fill in the form by clicking the link https://forms.office.com/r/VEe1ucepPZ.
多謝你們多年來對教會及午膳籌備上的支持,隨著教會恢復常規, 午膳供應已回復正常了。
午餐供應不單是為了方便弟兄姊妹午餐上的需要, 更重要是提供一個大家可以相交、團契的平台。其實不單是在吃午膳的時候, 在大家一同籌備和清潔的時候亦是一個很好的認識和服侍機會。
所以今年我們每個月(至少)自己煮一次午飯, 而希望可以配合不同言語的弟兄姊妹一起參與,實踐教會一家的特色。
每次參與午膳事工的時間將會有是由主日早上開始到下午,所以一起服侍和配合的時間會多一些。菜單將會是以簡單為主, 並有大廚協助。以致大家不但可享用新鮮和健康的午餐,更可與不同言語文化的弟兄姊妹一起事奉、建立主裡的情誼。鼓勵大家一年最少參加一次的事奉。期待在當中遇見你。