Church Anniversary combined worship service will be held on Sunday 26th May at 10:00am. Rev Chris Chia is the speaker and the themeis “The God of Generations”. “one generation shall commend your works to another, andshall declare your mighty acts” Psalm 145:4. There will only be one worship service that day. Letus worship and give thanks to our Lord together as one spiritual family,affirming our unity in diversity. The church hopes to produce a video clipdocumenting God's continual preservation and blessing of the church throughoutthe generations. Therefore, we hope to collect photos of the church fromdifferent eras, as well as photos of believers from various generations(whether in the family or in spiritual). We sincerely invite everyone to sendrelated photos to this email: The video clipwill be shown during the anniversary worship service.
Lunch is $15 each, including desserts and drinks. Please register for service attendance and/or lunch by 20/5 by scanning the QR code and completing the form. Your registration would greatly assist us in our planning and in deciding whether we will stream the service to the Worship Centre.
教會週年堂慶聯合崇拜 將於5月26日星期日上午10:00舉行,謝家添牧師主講,主題是「世世代代的神」,出自詩篇145:4「這代要對那代頌讚你的作為,也要傳揚你的大能」。當天將只舉行一堂崇拜。讓我們作為一個屬靈大家庭一起敬拜和感謝我們的主,確認我們在多元文化中的合一。教會希望製作一段關於神在世世代代中,不斷保守祝福教會的記錄短片。所以,盼望能夠收集教會在不同年代的照片,與及不同世代的信徒照片(不論是家庭上或屬靈上的世代)。誠邀大家,把有關照片傳到這電郵,短片會在堂慶崇拜中播出。