Zoom Link to ACM (You will be in the waiting room until it starts)
Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on 23/3. We encourage all members to attend the ACM. The meeting will be conducted both physically & by Zoom meeting. Services that day are arranged as below:
9am Family English Service (Auditorium)
9am Mandarin Service (Worship Centre)
10.30am ACM (Auditorium)
11.30am English/Cantonese Service (Auditorium)
會友大會 於23/3上午十時半在正堂舉行。鼓勵所有會友參加會友大會。會議將用實體和Zoom同時進行。當日崇拜時間如下:
上午九時 國語崇拜(敬拜中心);
上午九時 英語崇拜(正堂);
上午十時半 會友大會(正堂);
上午十一時半 英、粵語崇拜(正堂)