Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 11th August 2024

Pastor Esther Wang

Most people nowadays are very health conscious. Recently a friend invited me to go with her to the gym to experience the modern facilities and do some training. We went in the evening. First, we joined the Zumba class, and we were soaked in sweat after an hour. Then we swam in the heated pool next to the gym. For someone like me who has not been to a gym for years, it’s not surprising that when I came out of the pool, I was sore all over, and could barely lift my arms. Fortunately, I was more relaxed mentally the next day, and felt joyfully refreshed. However, I was also surprised by the decline in my physical fitness – how could just four or five laps of swimming bring such severe side effects? Obviously, the lack of regular exercise is one of the reasons. This experience reminded me of the importance of exercise, and to plan exercise in my diary as I grow older.

While physical health is important, isn’t spiritual health just as important? Paul says, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.” (1 Tim 4:8). Our spiritual health is built upon the foundation of having a close relationship with God, relying on Him and accepting His guidance and comfort. Perhaps we can examine our spiritual condition with some questions. How has my relationship with God been recently? Am I sure that God is in control and helps me in all things? Do I enjoy God? Do I yearn to know and experience God?

Maintaining our spiritual health requires effort. Just as physical health requires regular exercise, spiritual health requires regular bible study, meditation, confession and prayer. Through these spiritual disciplines, we can build a strong and energetic spiritual life. Persistence and regularity are key to the spiritual exercises being effective. Occasional practices will probably not have much impact on our lives. Do you keep a regular exercise routine to improve your physical health? What would you plan to do for better spiritual health? May God help us, and let’s work on this together.




Icon of a flower

