Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 13th October 2024

Pastor Adam Breasley

Give thanks to God for our recent CYA Leaders’ training, where we focused on Discipleship and Transformation. We had a wonderful time learning and sharing fellowship over a Mediterranean-style meal. Our training workshop aimed to help us consider and explore the different ways we can be intentional behind our discipleship of others. When we consider the importance of passing on the faith, we know that this involves being intentional whether it be personal mentoring or formal training workshops – as the old saying goes “if we aim small then we will miss small”. But what should be intentional about our discipleship? That the next generation may know what we are called to believe about God and how we are to live for his Glory. We can consider many things, but as a team, we focused on four key areas crucial to any discipleship being intentional. Namely, the Word of God (2 Tim 3:16, Josh 1:8), prayer (Jn 15:7, Phil 4:6-7), fellowship (Heb 10:24-25, Mt 18:20), and witnessing (Mt 4:19, Rm 1:16). These key foundational or core areas were reflected upon and intentionally considered: where and how we can encourage them among the next generation for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom. For those who follow Christ and trust in his name, we know these are the non-negotiables of our Faith.

Now, our combined Church camp where we shall be focused on the theme “God of the Generations” will be exploring these important things. Also, we will be able to discuss and ponder together as a church family the applications for intentional discipleship within our bible studies and one-to-one conversations during the camp, following the talks from our guest speakers. For this week’s pastoral sharing I would like to propose a challenge to everyone. If we are honest with ourselves, let us consider how we can individually spur each other on intentionally to love one another, and good deeds around these four key areas. The purpose is not to say we are doing Christian things but rather to live out our faith and be personally encouraged by each other, so that whatever we do, it will be done to the Glory of God as our motivation. Let’s consider these four areas:  the Word, prayer, fellowship and witnessing, by asking God to provide us with strength, courage and motivation to foster and see his Church grow and mature for His Name’s sake.



Icon of a flower

