Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 14th July 2024

Pastor Adam Breasley

What is the greatest need of God’s Church today? If we took a public survey then we might find a list as long as the Great Wall of China. Dawson Trotman in his tract The Need of the Hour famously said this: “I believe it is an army of soldiers, dedicated to Jesus Christ, who believe not only that He is God, but that He can fulfill every promise He has ever made, and that there isn’t anything too hard for Him.” Paul commissioned Timothy to guard the good deposit of the Gospel and hold fast to the good confession he publicly made before the Church where his mother Lois and Grandmother Eunice attended (2 Tim 1:3-14). This is certainly true for the wider Church across the World, which includes CPC, for we are all part of this great calling by God. The good confession Timothy made was like the good confession that Christ made before Pilate (Jn 18:36-38), and Timothy was charged to fight the good fight (1 Tim 6:12-13). But what is our confession? The Westminster Shorter Catechism is a good starting point for everyone to become familiar with sound teaching. We should be building up everyone into the deep truths of our Faith despite our season of life. To be a Christian is the highest calling that we can have in this life, and it is important to make sure we are growing in our faith starting with the milk and then moving to solid foods across the course of our lives. No one ever graduates from the knowledge of God for it is how the Lord by His Spirit grows us, and if we desire growth we cannot remain on milk forever. All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training us in righteousness. The catechism is not Holy Scripture; however, it is a helpful resource written by fellow saints before us who had the same Holy Spirit to help them think after God’s thoughts concerning the deep Truths. If the greatest need is an army of people who are dedicated to Christ, then as soldiers we must train and prepare for warfare. However, our warfare is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual forces of this World which are opposed to God (Eph 6:10-19). Therefore, I commend the Westminster Shorter Catechism as a practical way to foster good spiritual exercises for today. If you would like a copy please contact me.

神的教會今天最大的需要是什麼?如果我們進行一項公眾調查,我們可能會發現一個與中國長城一樣長的列表。道森卓門(Dawson Trotman)在他的小冊子《時刻的需要》中說過一句著名的話:「我相信這是一支獻身於耶穌基督的軍隊,他們不僅相信他是神,並且相信他能夠實現他所作出的每一個承諾,對他來說沒有什麼是難成的事。」保羅囑咐提摩太守護這福音的善道,並在母親羅以和祖母友尼基出席的教會面前,堅守他曾公開所做美好的見證(提摩太後書1:3-14)。對於包括CPC在內的世界各地更廣泛的教會來說,這確實是正確的,因為我們都是神這一偉大呼召的一部分。提摩太所做的美好的見證就像基督在彼拉多面前所做的美好的見證一樣(約18:36-38),並且提摩太被吩咐去打那美好的仗(提摩太前書6:12-13)。但我們的見證是什麼?《西敏簡短教義問答》是每個人熟悉全備教導的好起點。無論處於什麼人生階段,我們都應該建造每個人深入了解我們信仰的深刻真理。成為基督徒是我們此生所能擁有的最高呼召,重要的是要確保我們的信仰不斷成長,從喝奶的嬰兒開始,然後在我們的一生中成長為可以吃飯的成人。沒有人能夠在認識神這件事上完全畢業,因為這是主透過聖靈使我們成長的方式,如果我們渴望成長,我們就不能永遠停留在喝奶的階段。聖經都是神所默示的,對於教導、督責、使人歸正、和教導人學義都是有益的。教義問答不是聖經;然而,這是一個有用的資源,由我們之前的聖徒所寫,同一位聖靈幫助他們按照神的意念來思考深刻的真理。如果最需要的是一支獻身於基督的軍隊,那麼身為士兵,我們必須接受訓練並準備迎戰。然而,我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰,而是與這個世界上與神對立的邪靈力量爭戰(弗6:10-19)。因此,我推薦《西敏簡短教義問答》作為當今培養良好靈性訓練的實用方法,如果你想要一本簡短教義問答,請與我聯繫。

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