Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 18th August 2024

Pastor Dorothy Choi

Anne Wong, wife of our session clerk, Bernard Wong, has been a regular worshiper at CPC since her university days. In July last year, she endured a severe car accident, staying at the ICU and hospital with various internal injuries. And later while working on her recovery, Anne and Bernard also spent time supporting their friends who were impacted by the unforeseeable accident.

D: Anne, you must be profoundly grateful to the Lord for your miraculous recovery and the blessing of returning to work soon. The initial estimation for your hospital stay was at least three months. How has this journey of healing been for you?

A: It was an utter surprise to me when I woke up in hospital to be told I had been in a car accident. I had absolutely no memory of it. I was confined to a hospital bed but grateful that I could see my family. I was really aware of God’s healing hand over me during this time as I recovered from each injury. I was able to leave hospital after a stay of a few weeks. It was then followed by many visits to doctors, specialists and physiotherapists to assist me in my recovery.

D: You also faced another urgent health issue, discovered early by God's grace. Could you share that with us?

A: Since my accident, I have had a total of four surgeries. The last one was quite serious and was not evident at the beginning. Around three months post-accident my eyes became very blood shot. It was subsequently picked up I had a carotid fistula. This was a result of the impact I sustained to my head. The vascular surgeon who performed emergency surgery later told me this could have resulted in blindness and the risk of blood clots. I am once more reminded of God’s protection.

D: What is one major lesson about life and faith you have learned through these trials?

A: One main lesson I learnt is to be always prepared for the Lord. We have absolutely no control when God calls us home. For some, it can happen in an instant. For us, we were just enjoying every day events with friends. And then disaster happened. Tragically I lost one of my friends. Without warning and so sudden. We do not know what is going to happen tomorrow but we can be assured God is always with us and has a plan for each of us. I have learnt the importance of trusting in Him even more so now than before. He is my refuge and strength.

D: How can we, as a faith community, continue to uplift you, and your friends from the accident, in our prayers?

A: Bernard and I are blessed to have such a wonderful Christian community who supported us throughout our ordeal. We are so thankful for your prayers and support. We have been truly encouraged and uplifted by such love and concern. We have been touched by those who have cooked for us and provided other means of support. It came when we truly needed it.

Please continue to remember my friend Lyn as she recovers from her injury, as well as for Be-An’s family as they cope with their loss.

We have experienced the receiving end of your prayers and know that God is faithful in answering. And while there may be other hurdles that come our way in the future, we can be assured of God’s unwavering love for us. This has been made more clear to me in light of what I have been through in the past year.

Romans 12:12  Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

長老議會書記王春毅長老的太太、Anne Wong蔡鳳屏姊妹自大學時代以來,一直是本會的固定信徒。去年七月,她遭遇一宗嚴重的車禍,體內多處受傷,逗留在醫院深切治療部。後來她繼續尊注自己的康復,夫妻二人也花時間關心因這預料不到的意外而受影響的朋友。






屏:我學到的主要功課,是隨時為見主作好準備。上主甚麼時候召我們回天家,我們是完全無法控制的。對某些人來說,那時間可能就在一瞬間。對我們而言,我們正與朋友享受日常的生活,但災禍卻突然降臨。很不幸,我失去了一位朋友。事前毫無徵兆,剎那發生。我們不知明天如何,但確知神必定與我們同在,對每個人都有祂的計劃。 我學到信靠上主的重要,現在比以前更信靠祂。祂是我的避難所,我的力量。



請繼續記念我的朋友Lyn,她因受傷、仍在康復中; 又請為已故的Be-An的家人祈禱,求神安慰他們。


羅馬書12:12 在盼望中要喜樂,在患難中要堅忍,禱告要恆切。(環球聖經譯本)

Icon of a flower

