Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 20th October 2024

Pastor Steaven Cheung

To be born again

‘Truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.’

• John 3:3

One of the greater joys of the Church is to see brothers and sisters in Christ publicly declare their faith in confirmation and baptism. The reason being the joy of knowing they also share the wonder of a new life in Christ. The assurance of His sovereignty, the comfort of His counselling and the depth of His wisdom are all experienced only by being born again in Christ.

It is telling that Christ describes being made anew in Him as a process of being ‘born again’, as life in Christ and life outside of Christ is as different as one that has been born and one that has not been. While we were in the womb, all we saw was darkness, all the sounds we heard were muffled and the space we thought was the whole world was less than a fraction of what the outside would be. To tell someone in the womb (if they were capable of understanding the question) what the outside world would be like would be incomprehensible to them and beyond their ability to imagine. But once they are born into the world it will become clear how vast and wonderful the world is that the Lord has made. The colours, the sounds and the scale of His creation needs to be experienced not just explained.

So it is with a Christian life. The life all humans share is good and worthy of praise, but it is still like a womb. A person without Christ cannot know the wonder of a new life in Him and how wide the world feels in His purpose. It is something to be experienced as well as taught. For those of us who have been or will be baptised/confirmed, it is a challenge for us to help those who don’t yet know the Lord experience the depth of a life in Christ. In our kindness, our purpose and God’s truth. It is also a reminder for us to continue to reflect on the privilege that is a life in Christ and to never let our pride cause us to forget to be grateful to the Lord and to praise Him each day.

Let us be glad in the new life that Christ has bestowed upon His children.








Icon of a flower

