Living Out Unity at CPC
I had the privilege of expounding on Ephesians 4:1-6 in the last two weeks at all five worship services. Paul states in the earlier chapters of his letter that God’s ultimate purpose is fulfilled through the Church, for the Church and in the Church. That leads him to exhort the Christians to “be worthy of their calling”. Of first importance of that is to “keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace”.
He states that we already possess unity amongst us, in that we belong to one body; we are driven by the same Spirit; we have the same eternal hope; we serve the one Lord; we have the same faith and baptism; and we worship the one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Unfortunately, this deep and multi-faceted unity is frequently undermined by our self-centeredness. In reality, we frequently still act very much like the rest of the unbelieving world, accepting people we like or who are beneficial to us, but ignoring others who are different from us, whether in language, culture or age. A church can feel like a family wherein siblings are indifferent to or even have disowned each other. That is hurtful to the Father’s heart.
In CPC, we do have restrictions of time and space, limiting the opportunity for us to interact with each other, particularly with members of other worship services. But our relationship in Christ is not dependent on friendship, much as that is helpful, but on our relationships through Christ. The love we are commanded to have for one another is essentially not a matter of feeling but of the will to obey.
The following are some actions we can take to affirm and build up our unity at CPC and strengthen the bond that the Lord has established between us:
1. Greet each other when we see each other in church with a friendly greeting, or even just a nod and a smile if you don’t know each other or language is a limitation. It is an acknowledgement that we belong to the same spiritual family.
2. Get to know two or three members from the other worship services. This helps us to feel that despite language and cultural differences, we share many more things in common with people from other congregations, e.g. our love for the Lord and His church.
3. Make every effort to participate in combined functions, e.g. church camp, monthly prayer meeting, combined services, church fete, combined choir, special talks & seminars etc.
4. Be willing to serve together with members of other congregations when the opportunity arises, e.g. organising the abovementioned combined functions, serving in Sunday School, Coffee Corner and church lunch etc.
5. Find opportunities to hold joint activities, particularly when synergies can be derived, e.g. joint outreach events.
6. Share our burdens, visions and prayer points through personal and official channels with other congregations and take a genuine interest in theirs.
7. Create opportunities for the young and older members to interact (such as the Cantonese “Seniors Day”) to reduce the perception of a generation gap.
Let us diligently make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
我最近兩周有機會在所有五堂崇拜中闡釋了以弗所書 4:1-6。保羅在他這封信的前幾章中說神的終極目的是通過教會、為教會和在教會中實現的。這導致他告誡基督徒要「與蒙召的恩相稱」,首要的是「竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心」。
他說,我們之間已經擁有了合一,因為我們屬於一個身體,由同一個聖靈驅動,擁有同樣的永恆盼望; 我們侍奉同一位主,有同一樣的信仰和洗禮; 我們敬拜同一位神和萬人的父,祂超乎眾人之上,貫乎眾人之中,也住在眾人之內。不幸的是,這種深遠並多方面的合一經常被我們的自我中心所破壞。實際上,我們有很大程度仍然像不信的人一樣,只接纳我們喜歡的人或對我們有益的人,却忽視與我們在語言、文化或是年齡上不同的人。有時候教會好像一個兄弟姐妹彼此互不理採的家庭。這是使父神的心何等傷痛的事?
1. 當我們在教會見面時,請彼此問安,若有語言的限制,一個點頭和微笑也可代之。這是承認我們同屬一個屬靈的家庭。
2. 認識参與其他崇拜的兩三個成員。這有助於我們感受到,儘管有語言和文化的不同,我們與其他會眾的人的共同點遠超相異點,例如我們都一同愛主和祂的教會。
3. 盡可能參與教會的聯合活動,例如教會退修營、聯合祈禱會、聯合崇拜、賣物會、聯合詩班、特別講座和研討會等。
4. 當有機會時,願意與其他弟兄姊妹一起服侍,例如一同組織上述聯合活動、主日學、咖啡廊及教會午膳等。
5. 通過個人和教會管道與其他會眾分享我們的負擔、異象和禱告要點,並真正關心他們所分享的。
6. 尋找機會舉辦聯合事工,特別是有協同效應的事奉,例如聯合外展活動。
7. 為年輕和年長的成員制造互動的機會(例如粵語事工的“長者日”),以減小代溝的距離。