Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral letter 23rd March 2025

Pastor Esther Wang

As CPC is a multicultural and multilingual church, one of the ministries, which is both a test of skill and essential, is real-time sermon interpretation. Thank God for the loving CPC brothers and sisters who have given their best to contribute to this special need. Interpretation is a ministry that trains us to serve the Lord humbly and faithfully. This is because although most immigrants living in Australia are proficient in two or more languages, it is not easy to switch seamlessly between them. The interpreter not only needs to have a high-level command of two languages, but they also need to spend considerable time and energy in preparing, before interpreting the sermon in real-time. Even if they are a talented interpreter, they still need to be well prepared. The process requires cooperation between the interpreter and the speaker. The time constraints, speed of delivery and other factors will all affect the accuracy of the interpreting. If it does not go smoothly, it’s easy to hear complaints from the congregation, which can undermine the interpreter’s confidence. If the interpreting went well, people usually give credit to the speaker, often overlooking the hard work of the interpreter. Therefore, the ministry of interpreting church sermons, like many other church ministries, requires constant reminders that wisdom comes from God; and that both evaluation and rewards also come from Him. Always looking to and depending on God is the secret of all godly service.

From another perspective, the interpreter acts as a messenger between two cultures, conveying specific messages in a language that can be understood. Christians living in the world also perform the function of being such messengers. As 2 Corinthians 5:20 says, "We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

All born-again Christians have the identity of citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and live in the world as interpreters of Christ. Through our actions and way of life, we convey the message of the Kingdom. The identity of this messenger is glorious because we represent the Kingdom of Heaven, yet it also requires humility, faithfulness, and a heart that relies on God to fulfill the mission.

Today CPC needs more people to participate in the interpretation ministry, to serve God, and to serve our fellow church brothers and sisters. Our world also needs more messengers for Christ, who will “interpret” the message of the Kingdom to this generation through our godly words and actions.

雪梨華人長老會是一家多元文化並且多語言聚會的教會。因此,有一項服事,是既考驗技能又必不可少的,那就是現場翻譯。感謝神在 雪梨華人長老會賜下有恩賜有愛心的弟兄姊妹,在這特殊的需要裡,盡心盡力地做出貢獻。翻譯是一項操練我們謙卑和忠心事奉主的態度的服事。這樣說是因為雖然大部分在澳洲生活的外來移民都會掌握兩種或兩種以上的語言,然而,要游刃有餘地在兩種語言之間自由切換,卻也不是容易的事情。做翻譯的服事,不僅需要在語言上有一定的才能,在實際的翻譯之前,也要花上相當的時間和精力來預備。即便有才能,也有好的預備,在翻譯過程中,與講員的配合,時間的限制,反應的快速程度等等因素,仍然會影響翻譯的品質。若是翻譯不順暢,很容易聽到弟兄姊妹們的抱怨,打擊人的自信心;若是翻譯順暢,通常人們只會歸功於講員,卻忽略了翻譯的辛勞。因此,做翻譯的服事,和許多其他服事一樣,需要常常提醒自己,智慧才能來自神,評價和獎賞也是來自神,常常仰望依靠神,是服事的秘訣。

從另一個角度來看,翻譯是兩種文化之間的使者,用可以理解的語言傳達特定的訊息。基督徒在世界中生活,也有這樣使者的功能。好像哥林多後書5:20說的, “我們作基督的使者,就好像神藉我們勸你們一般。我們替基督求你們與神和好。” 重生的基督徒,擁有天國子民的身份,在世界中生活,就像是基督的翻譯,用我們的行動和生活方式,傳達天國的信息。這位使者的身分是榮耀的,因為代表天國,卻也需要謙卑忠心,並有依靠神的心,才能不負使命。


Icon of a flower

