Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 24th September 2023

Pastor Esther Wang

In the past few weeks, I took leave to visit my friends and relatives in China.  Due to Covid, it had been more than three years since I last went back.  Seeing my family and friends once again brought me enormous joy; at the same time, it made me aware of the swift passing of time, and our inability to predict or control our circumstances.

Almost every time when I met up with friends during my vacation, our conversation would inevitably turn to the different experiences we had during Covid, and how those experiences moved us to consider our lives from different perspectives.  Before the pandemic, it was normal for people to go about their daily routines and plan for their future.  The pandemic has totally turned what we used to consider as normal upside down.  As for myself, I never thought that it would take three and a half years before I would return to be with my family and friends again.

Most of my family members and friends in China are not Christians yet.  Along with their lamentations over the ephemeral nature of things in this world, they were also curious about my Christian faith.  At the same time, they each have their own interpretation of faith and belief, e.g. religion encourages people to do good and is a source of spiritual support; people who are religious tend to be more reliable, etc.  

Interestingly, during those moments in our conversation when I was eager to explain what faith was, I realised that my family members and friends were not keen on hearing my explanation.  In fact, they were immersed in their own interpretation and imagination.  I must admit that for people to be able to know Jesus, we need God to work in their hearts in His time and according to His plan.  The good news is that I believe God is guiding them in their search for the truth.   Whether it be the pandemic or the transient nature of this world, it has awakened the desire for eternity in people’s hearts.  A friend of mine experienced the loss of a family member recently.  This brought about a softening of her heart – she began to acknowledge that there was a spiritual realm beyond mere physical existence, and that there might really be a God.  I believe this was a good start.  

We all hope that one day our loved ones can receive God’s salvation.  Nevertheless, we know that true change cannot come about just by relying on our own wisdom and ability.  We need to work together with God.  Our Lord is a God who listens to prayers, and He has never stopped His work. Let us continue to pray fervently, bear witness to Him in every opportunity in our daily lives, and expect our Lord to accomplish His wonderful deeds.



Icon of a flower

