Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 25th June 2023

Pastor Steaven Cheung

‘And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.’ - Exodus 2:24
There was a moment in our 130 anniversary dinner that has stuck with me since that day. It was a small statement shared to us by Elder Andrew Lu saying, ‘CPC is ever-changing, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.’. God’s gospel work in our community has never changed, however our people have been. Changing generations, changing policies in Australia and even the changing seasons of faithfulness and conflict our community has faced.  
As we continue in our teaching series on the first half of Exodus, we have been given an opportunity to explore God’s character across the generations of His people as well! God’s people were in Egypt, they were numerous and no longer one family, many had even forgotten God’s covenant with their forefathers; yet God remembered His people all the same! God saved His people all the same! We see scripture pointing towards a wonderful reality of the gospel that we are assured of God’s promise of salvation and justification in His church forever, not by our name and will, but by His sovereignty and character.  
I cannot help but be encouraged when I still my heart and reflect on our assurance in Christ. That, despite our many seasons of dysfunction, our many fights with each other and against God and the valleys that every community of Christ must endure, there is something that will always provide hope for us. That God’s plans do not rest upon our ability to hold onto our Holy Father, but upon His ability to grasp us tightly in His will. If we are His people, we are assured that although He may discipline us, He will never abandon us. We may change but He remains eternally perfect.
This week if you are anxious or insecure, be encouraged by our assurance in Christ. Your future is set in Him. Hold fast. Let the peace of God rule in our hearts.

「神聽見他們的哀聲; 神顧念祂和亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的約。」出埃及記2:24






Icon of a flower

