Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 28th April 2024

Pastor Wai Leung Chung

Thank God for letting me to share two messages this month, one at the Cantonese Student Fellowship and the other in Sunday Service.

The first message was about humility, letting go of what we have, to gain Christ. The scripture is Philippians 3:1-16, which is the testimony of the Apostle Paul. Paul shared his transformation - how he considered everything he once thought beneficial as loss because of knowing Lord Jesus Christ. In order to gain Christ, he abandoned everything and regarded everything as garbage. The second message was about the identity and promises of Jesus, bringing a message of faith to believers. The scripture is John 14:1-14, part of Jesus' "Farewell Discourse". Jesus personally gave his disciples two promises - to bring them to the Father's house and to fulfill their requests. Jesus also declared his own identity - the way, the truth, and the life, stating that through Jesus, people can go to God the Father.

These two messages led me to some reflection - how much do I truly value Jesus Christ? How much do I value his words, promises, and identity? Have I forsaken everything to gain Christ? Sometimes, people may think that full-time ministry means giving up everything to follow Jesus and gain Christ. But these three months of ministry have shown me that I haven’t counted everything as garbage to gain Christ. I worry about money, housing, and work. I haven’t considered knowing Christ Jesus my Lord as the surpassing worth, as Paul did. I really hope that I can, like Paul, wholeheartedly pursue knowing the Lord Jesus and forsake everything for the sake of the Lord Jesus.

Brothers and sisters, may we encourage one another and strive together to imitate Paul, straining toward what is ahead, pressing on toward the goal, to know Jesus more and deeper, and to gain Christ.  May God help us!


第一篇信息是關於謙卑、放下自己擁有的,去得著基督,經文是腓立比書3:1-16,是使徒保羅的見證。保羅分享他的改變 - 他因認識了主基督,將先前以為與他有益的,都當作有損的。他為了得著基督,丟棄萬事,把萬事看作糞土。第二篇是關於耶穌的身份與應許,叫信徒有信心的信息,經文是約翰福音14:1-14,是耶穌的「離別講論」的一部分。耶穌親自給了門徒兩個應許 - 接門徒到父家、及成就門徒的祈求。耶穌並宣告他自己的身份- 道路、真理、生命,人藉着耶穌,就可以去到父神那裏。

這兩篇信息帶給自己一些反思 - 我究竟有多看重耶穌基督呢?我有多看重祂的說話、應許,和身份呢?我有為要得著基督,放棄一切嗎?人有時會以為全職事奉,就是放棄了一切去跟從耶穌,得著基督。但這三個月的事奉告訴我,我並沒有為了得著基督,將一切視為糞土。我會為金錢、住屋、工作的問題擔心和憂慮。我也沒有像保羅一樣,以認識主耶穌基督為至寶。我真的盼望我能像保羅一樣,全心全意的去認識主耶穌,為著主耶穌放棄一切。


Icon of a flower

