Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 29th September 2024

Pastor Dorothy Choi

Natalie Leung and Ronald were married in their early twenties and have now been together for 4 years. Ronald comes from a line of Christian believers, while Natalie is the first in her immediate family to follow Christ. Despite these different backgrounds, they both share a deep passion for the gospel. Below is an interview with them

D: you two balanced your passion for ministry in contrast to many non-Christian, young couples, who may focus on things like traveling, growing together, and building intimacy? How has this shaped your relationship in unique ways?

N: Thank you Dorothy!  We still love travelling and enjoying the simple joy that God has blessed us with in our daily life. However, God has shown us that serving together actually helps us grow together and builds greater intimacy in ways that other things like travelling could not. Being involved in ministry together has led us to see how God work in and through us; and witnessing each other’s growth and transformation has been encouraging. It has also brought us to appreciate and love each other more.

D: Natalie started serving in missions part-time, with Ronald supporting financially as one of sponsors. Since then, Ronald has also begun theological training. How have you both managed the household budget, especially with Ronald's studies?

R: This is definitely one of the most challenging aspects of the past 2 years. It has been a humbling journey seeing how much I worried and questioned God’s providence when I am no longer ‘earning my wages’ as a physio. However, God has been showing me that he is the provider, and through the generosity of many people at CPC and other churches, we have survived the past 2 years.

N: This challenge is something that we are still currently working through as Ron is considering taking on more study load in the coming year. Thus, his physio work load will likely be reduced further, and needs to consider ways of supporting himself and his family. Please be praying for us and consider partnering with us if God has placed this on your heart.

D: Could you share a specific moment from the past year where you clearly saw the Lord shaping or directing your lives? How did that experience impact both of you?

R: I believe God has been directing us by showing us different fruits of our work, such as seeing the growth of those people that we serve. I remember talking with some of them that we have known for a few years, thinking that they probably would not have imagined themselves being so devoted to God just a couple of years ago. For that reason, we often give thanks to God for allowing us to witness all these amazing works that He is doing in his people’s lives. This has motivated us to continue finding ways to serve and care for all those God has placed in our circles.

D: What kind of support or encouragement would you appreciate from the church, especially as we represent different generations of believers?

N: Support - prayer and fellowship (walking with us and praying with us); give us advice that we need to hear, not what we want to hear; be patient with us as we grow and mature

R: We have been receiving support and encouragement in many different forms. Some couples would cook us meal boxes, which have been a great relief for us both in terms of time and money. Further, many people have invited us to meet and share our journey with them and offer prayer support when they hear our struggles. We are deeply thankful for all these kind and loving gestures that people have shown. Personally, I believe these kinds of practical as well as spiritual help are what signify the kind of love that will demonstrate to the world that we are Christ’s followers. It is precisely these kinds of acts of love and care that can motivate the younger generations to follow suit and show love and care for those around them.

Let’s come together in love to encourage and pray for this young couple, as well as others in our midst, that they may experience God’s abundant grace and guidance.

Natalie Leung梁詩詠和Ronald Tse謝朗曦兩位都是二十來歲的青年,至今已結婚四年了。Ronald是來自一個基督教的家庭,而Natalie則是她家中第一位信主的人。儘管有着不同的家庭背景,但他們都對福音有著深厚的熱誠。以下是與他們的談話:

D:與許多年輕非信徒的夫婦相比,你們倆怎樣平衡對事工的熱切(與生活) ;因為他們可能會把時間放在旅行、一起成長和建立親密關係上?這如何以獨特地影響了你們之間的關係?

N:Dorothy傳道謝謝你!  我們仍然熱愛旅行,享受神賜給我們簡單的每一天。然而,神已經向我們表明,能夠一起服事、實際上是可以幫助我們一起成長並且建立我們更親密的關係;這非藉着一般的事情、如旅行可以做到的。一起參與事工使我們看到神如何在我們裡面作工;見證彼此的成長和轉變而受鼓勵。也讓我們更珍惜對方和更愛彼此。










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