Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 2nd July 2023

Pastor Arthur Leung

The pastoral team went for a retreat this week. The theme of the retreat was  “Servanthood”, based on Matthew 20:20-28 in which Jesus taught the disciples how they ought to live out the life of servanthood, being servants of the Lord.

Let’s begin by reflecting on this question: What is a servant?

A servant has a master and his duty is to follow the orders of the master. Whether the servant is faithful or acts willingly is another matter.  

Furthermore, a servant does not have authority or status. In days of old, a servant was synonymous with a slave who was not in possession of any power, let alone fought for power.  

The background of the bible passage in Matthew was set against Jesus’ prediction of His own death on the cross, where He would be crucified and then resurrected on the third day.  

At the beginning of the passage, the mother of James and John kneeled down before Jesus and asked whether her sons could sit at the right and left hand of Jesus in His kingdom. This incident aroused suspicion and anger among the disciples.  

Jesus then said to the disciples, “You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them.”  This is not the case for Christians. “Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant.” According to the hierarchy of this world, the ones who are in authority would lord over others below them. Those who have less power will only do their tasks because they are being forced to do so by those higher up in the hierarchy.

In the eyes of God, however, the ones who are precious are those who serve others voluntarily with a willing heart. Instead of putting their own rights first, true servants put others’ needs before their own. They do so because they follow the example of Jesus. Our Lord Jesus Christ submits to God willingly on His own accord. Jesus is God, yet He is willing to let go of His rights and became flesh and walked this earth, not to be served but to serve; and not only to serve, but to sacrifice His own life and became our sin offering so that we can be redeemed.  

Let’s take a moment to reflect on ourselves – what kind of attitude do we hold when we interact with others at church? Have we always been served or are we actively serving others? What about at home? Do we wait to be served or do we take the initiative to serve our family members? We might all have a thousand and one reasons to fight for our rights and to exercise our control over others, just like people in this world. But let’s encourage one another to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ instead and rise above the values of this world, fixing our eyes on Jesus and relying on His strength as we seek to serve and not to be served.











Icon of a flower

