Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 30th June 2024

Dorothy Choi

Join Us for Our Church Camp - October 11-13th

We are excited to share our combined church camp, a unique and enriching experience for everyone.

Inspiring Speakers: For the first time, we have a husband and wife duo as our speakers. Dr Patrick and Jenny Fung will share their wisdom and experiences with us. Patrick, a very experienced Christian leader and the Programme Chair of the Fourth Lausanne Conference on World Evangelisation, and Jennie, the Board Chairperson of Half Crown Media, which is responsible for the making of the Hudson Taylor movie project, will provide profound insights and encouragement.

Meaningful Theme: Our camp theme is "The God of the Generations," mirroring the theme of our church anniversary. We celebrate the rich heritage of faith within our church, spanning multiple generations, whether through biological families or spiritual kinship. At this camp, we will reflect on how we can continue and strengthen this legacy of faith.

Special Offer: Register and pay a $20 deposit by July 7th to lock in a special pre-sale price! After this date, the price for full-time cabin stays will increase by 30% for youth and adults. We encourage everyone to attend full-time, as we have secured a minimum of 250 full-time spots.

Pray and Plan: Please pray for our camp attendance, whether you plan to join as a family or an individual. Consider how this time can strengthen our relationships within our faith community.

Support Available: We understand that financial concerns can be a barrier. For young adults attending a camp just before our church camp, regardless of their congregation, we have additional incentives for them to join. If you are facing financial difficulties, please speak with a pastor. We are here to help and want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to attend.

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” - Psalm 133:1

Let's come together to grow, learn, and celebrate our faith. It is a great investment for us as well as our children or spiritual children.

Sign up today and be part of this special event.

請參加我們教會的聯合退修會 - 十月11日至13日







「看哪,弟兄們和睦相處,多麼美善,多麼美好!」 - 詩篇133:1  環球聖經譯本



Icon of a flower

