May I wish you all a blessed and fruitful new year.
“Happy New Year” is the standard greeting for this time of the year. What does a happy 2025 look like for you? A leap in your career? Handsome financial gains? Children doing well academically? Emotional fulfilment in relationships? Good health and vitality? An exciting holiday? All these are good and desirable things that we can feel free to ask the Lord for. They can be genuine blessings from Him. However, are they really key to long term sustained happiness? Far too often, they become people’s (even Christians’) obsessions in life. If so, instead of being blessings that boost our thanksgiving and dependence on our gracious Heavenly Father, they can become our idols that enslave. Undoubtedly, they will bring short term gladness, which could lure us into a cycle of ever diminishing returns, hence compelling us to commit more and more of ourselves in serving them. They are like treats that can bring a bit of spice to life, but are not life itself, e.g. an occasional chocolate (or whatever is your favourite treat) is enjoyable but addicting to it can be enslaving and truly harmful to your health.
The Psalmist gives us a picture of a happy life in Psalm 1. He starts with “Blessed is the one…”, which can be translated as “Happy is the one…” who does not:
• “walk in step with the wicked” – live in conformity with those who do not revere God and live solely according to fleshly desires,
• “or stand in the way that sinners take” – take the position of those who have no regard for God’s truth and holiness,
• “or sit in the company of mockers” – identify with those who scorn God and biblical truth.
Those three phrases describe the world at large.
“but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.”- He/she delights in the Lord and His precious revelation, and therefore wants to know and draw from this source of eternal truth and wisdom every opportunity he/she has. Paul summarises this as “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Rm 12:2
“That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.”
What a happy tree that is! It has sunk its roots deep, to the source of life-giving water. That enables it to be fruitful for the blessing of others. It has the assurance of withstanding drought and hardship which are unavoidable in this fallen world. It will prosper, despite the hard times. It’s fruitfulness and prosperity are not for its own sake, but are a result of where it stands and sits, and how it lives (“walks”).
It is fulfilling its purpose in life, which was given by the creator. What happiness!
May You and I be such a person in 2025, and enjoy a Happy new year.
• 「隨從惡人的計謀」:與那些不敬畏神、只隨從肉體情慾過日的人一起生活,
• 「或站在罪人的道路」:採取那些不敬畏神及其真理和聖潔的人的立場,
• 「或坐在褻慢人的坐位」:認同那些褻瀆神和聖經真理的人。