Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 6th October 2024

Pastor Wai Leung Chung

I thank God for allowing me to serve Him at three universities. Currently, I am serving Cantonese-speaking students in two universities (University of New South Wales and University of Sydney) through their Chinese Christian Fellowships. I am also serving students from various cultural backgrounds in the Chopstix Fellowship at the University of Technology Sydney.

Firstly, let me share about the University of New South Wales. September marks the start of the third semester. This semester the group is a bit different as there are students coming from Macau and Guangzhou, as well as students from the foundation course, participating in the Thursday evening fellowship meetings. We met these students through orientation activities in the first two weeks of September. This semester, we continue to run the ‘Alpha Course ACTS (Cantonese version for teenagers)’ on Mondays and Tuesdays, where we watch videos and discuss Christianity with new believers and non-believers. I, along with another pastor, am responsible for leading the Tuesday ‘Alpha’ group. Additionally, God has allowed me to lead an evangelistic Bible Study on Tuesdays this semester, where we help students to get to know Christ through studying the Bible.

As for the University of Sydney, we have already completed the ninth week of the second semester. We continue to hold Friday evening fellowship meetings, along with small groups on Tuesdays and Fridays. I thank God for the opportunity to lead a fellowship meeting for the first time last month, serving alongside other pastors.

At the University of Technology Sydney, we have completed the eighth week of the second semester. In addition to the Wednesday noon fellowship meetings, there are many other activities, such as English classes, outings, and praise & worship meetings. God has used the Campbells (Tim and Bec) and other helpers to bring many students to Christ through the fellowship. My primary role is in the Wednesday meeting, where I care for students from various cultural backgrounds, especially international students from Hong Kong, encouraging them to join CPC or other Chinese churches.

Please continue to pray for these three fellowships. Pray that God will help the brothers and sisters grow in the fellowship and love one another, and that the non-believers will come to know Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord.

感謝神讓我可以在三間大學服事祂。現在,我在兩間大學 (新南威爾士大學和雪梨大學) 的廣東話基督徒團契中服事說廣東話的學生,也在雪梨科技大學的筷子團契服事不同文化背景的學生。

先說說新南威爾士大學的情況。九月開始是今年的第三學期。這個學期有點不同,因為有來自澳門、廣州的學生,也有讀基礎班的學生參加週四黃昏的週會。他們都是在九月頭兩個星期的迎新活動接觸到的學生。而這個學期繼續有啟發課程-少青系列粵語版 (Alpha Course ACTS),在週一和週二各有一班,與初信和未信主的學生一齊看影片和討論信仰,我和另一位牧者正負責帶領週二的啟發課程。另外,這個學期神也讓我在週二帶領一個福音性查經班,透過查考聖經,幫助學生認識耶穌基督。


而雪梨科技大學方面,也已經完成了第二學期的第八週,除了週三中午的週會,還有很多其他的活動,例如:英文班、遊覽活動、敬拜讚美會⋯等。神透過金寶夫婦 (Tim and Bec) 和其他協助者,使用團契帶了不少學生信主。而我主要參與在週三的週會中,照顧不同文化背景的學生,特別照顧從香港過來的留學生,鼓勵他們參與CPC或是其他華人教會。


Icon of a flower

