Who is Jesus to me? When I was a young child, I grew up with a roman catholic mother who insisted I was baptised, confirmed and trained in the Catholic faith. My experience of learning about our Faith was from the Scripture teacher, the ritual practices of the Mass and the disciplines of set prayers learned through my Catholic school. But the scriptures were seen as a mysterious and daunting thing to me because they were difficult to fathom or comprehend for myself. If I looked at the pages, it was blurry and exhausting to read because it looked lengthy and foreign. The Scriptures may as well have been written in hieroglyphics. The reason for this may have been just because I had a short ADHD attention span, or no one ever attempted to show me how to read them. Nevertheless, if you asked me the question “who is Jesus?” then probably my answer would have been that he is “God’s Son who died for our sins” or something like “our Lord who was crucified” as my responses. On the surface these might seem like good orthodox answers and are not wrong in themselves. But what I could not say is who is Jesus to me as a friend? Saviour? Healer? Or even Lord? This is at the heart of what Jesus would ask Peter, when he said, “who do people say that I am?” Some say John the Baptist (i.e. a new prophet), and others say Elijah (i.e. an old prophet) or one of the prophets (Mk 8:27-29). These types of responses mean he is just another messenger of God. But Jesus wanted Peter to wrestle with his own conviction on who this Jesus is to him. For myself, Jesus was always really the person who remained on the crucifix and never rose. I never considered all the different characteristics of who Jesus was to me. Therefore, Jesus remained but a helpless Saviour who couldn’t save himself. A veiled figure who remained only on the pages of a Holy Book which was lifted in the Sunday mass, where the Holy Ghost mystically moved around when candles were lit for the faithful saints who departed this earth. And this picture sat behind the response I would have given someone if they asked me this question.
CYA2025 will soon start exploring this vital question, which we must answer either to be refreshed or see for the first time, because eternal life is only through a personal encountering of the risen Jesus Christ, not just stating a factual response.