Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastoral Letter 9th March 2025

Pastor Steaven Cheung

What is a mark of health in a Church?

What are the markers of a healthy disciple? Have you considered that for yourself? Or for that matter, what should a healthy church look like?

Before we embark on the various things that we can DO as a disciple of Christ let’s take a moment to consider who we should aim to BE first. Knowing the shape we are aiming for will be vastly beneficial for us as we consider what kind of ministry we want to partake in, what priorities are important and what is simply busy work that may look energetic but ultimately does not form us and those around us to be more Christ like.

In Acts chapter 2:42-47 we see a snapshot of the church in which both the disciples and the body of Christ are healthy and strong. As we look at it we see at least 5 markers of a church filled with healthy disciples.

A) They were devoted to scripture, fellowship and prayer. (V42)

• Healthy disciples were devoted to practises which build faithfulness within them. Valuing things which renewed them in the body of Christ and were regularly participating in these things alongside other disciples.

B) They were filled with awe and wonder. (V43)

• Disciples without wonder in their life are prone to becoming cynical or apathetic. Cultivating wonder and a willingness to celebrate Christ regularly is a marker of health.

C) They had commonality with one another (v44-45)

• it’s easy to think of faith as simply a ‘personal’ pursuit. However a healthy church is filled with disciples who felt deep affinity with the lives of one another. They were their brother’s keeper and their brother’s needs were the same as their own needs.

D) They meet together regularly (v46)

• A healthy Christian community desires to meet together even when it’s not a Sunday. Whether it’s a small group or simply building fellowship with another believer, a healthy Christian is one that stays interested in community, not just ministry.

E) They had favour with all people (v47)

• A healthy church is also not insular and siloed from the rest of the world. It is a witness to Christ and able to gain favour among the people of the world, if not for every conviction then for the kindness and generosity of its people.

How are you fairing in these markers? Perhaps this week is an opportunity to reflect and evaluate the shape of your life. Is there anything you could shift? Anything that would cultivate more flourishing in your life? Let’s all seek to be healthy disciples in the Lord, not just busy ones.




在使徒行傳第 2 章 42-47 節中,我們看到了教會的快照,其中的門徒和基督的身體都健康而強壯。當我們觀察它時,我們會看到教會至少有五個標記,表明那裡充滿了健康的門徒。

一. 他們熱衷於經文、團契和禱告 (42節)。


二. 他們充滿敬畏和奇事神蹟 (43節)。


三. 他們彼此有共通點 (44-45節)。


四. 他們定期聚會 (46節) 。


五. 他們得到所有人的喜愛 (47節) 。




Icon of a flower

