Corner of Crown & Albion Streets, Surry Hills, NSW, Australia
Photo by Albert Chiu



The stained glass windows of CPC's auditorium.

Pastorlal Letter 29th December 2024

Pastor Steaven Cheung

‘Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,’

• Psalm 23:6

I only have a simple encouragement for us this week and that is for all of us to take time and rest in the Lord. Psalm 23 brings the reader on a journey which follows God, the Shepherd of all. He brings the psalmist through green pastures and still waters, through the valleys and guides them even in the midst of their enemies. All this journeying has a destination and that destination is eternal rest in the presence of the Lord.

Whatever your journey has been this year whether mountaintops of joy or valleys of grief and death, may we know of the Lord’s will in our travels. May we be reminded that first, the Lord has been guiding us with his sovereign hand in every step of our life and second, that He has a destination in mind for our journey which is into His presence. So, take a moment and reflect on the Lord’s presence in your journey this year and how He is guiding you even now.

Is He bringing you comfort? Discipline? Do you see Him at work even in the presence of opposition? As we become more discerning of our Shepherd’s work, we become less anxious of our own circumstances. As we end of our year, let’s lift our hearts to seek Him before we seek our own goals and ambitions.

In this simple letter I only have one encouragement. Find Rest. Listen to our Shepherd. Have Peace in His presence.

May the Lord bless you now and in the year to come.


• 詩篇 23:6






Icon of a flower

