Whether you are looking for a spiritual home, transiting through Sydney, or just visiting, we sincerely welcome you.
We invite you to join our online worship services via live streaming.
Our congregation is largely ethnic Chinese. However there is a cultural diversity ranging from third generation Australian to those who have newly arrived in Australia. English, Cantonese and Mandarin are used in our church, with English as the common language. Although we are a Chinese Church, we warmly welcome people of all ethnic backgrounds.
While we are Presbyterian in terms of the governing structure and the Reformed doctrine, we extend fellowship to all who accept the Bible as the Word of God and the highest authority for their beliefs and practices.
We are not just a collection of individual or family units participating in some regular activities. We are a community of Christ, and a spiritual family committed to each other, jointly partaking of the Great Commission given by Christ.
How important is physical health? Today, we find people everywhere making the most of gyms and outdoor activities to keep their personal fitness in shape for many reasons, including good health. We understand the resources needed to promote and develop our physical fitness and health. Even the Apostle Paul acknowledges that physical training is of some benefit to us as God’s people (1 Tim 4:8). However, spiritual health is just as important, and in fact is the primary area we are called to personally nurture.
Where do we cultivate this vital area of our walk with God? Do we just turn to anywhere in the Scriptures? All scripture is God-breathed for our spiritual benefit and training, however, while this is certainly the case, God’s word has a helpful library known as the Book of Psalms. These are a wonderful resource of prayers, songs, and expressions of worship with raw human emotion towards God.
Our Lord Jesus at the Cross, in his dark valley, expresses Psalm 22:1 as his prayer to God the Father. Jesus drew upon the spiritual resources of God’s Word in his darkest hour. Our Saviour knew the reality of physical agony experienced when bearing our sins in his death. Jesus' dark valley was for the ultimate purpose that purchased our redemption. God’s Word is the spiritual resource to be used in every season, whether it is in green pastures, by still waters of peace, sharing a table with an enemy, amidst people who are hostile to us, or even when death is knocking at the door.
The Psalms often push the theme of unswerving confidence that God is not only intimately with us but is a strong shepherd who is our personal guide through the different situations we may experience. God is leading us through every circumstance for our care even if we are in the darkest valley. We must ask ourselves is God only protecting and caring for us in the good times? or is he shepherding and guiding us to his home through the dangers of life? This is not easy for anyone to fathom, and in the hardest situations it can leave us to question the goodness of God and his benevolent care. Part of the Faith we confess is that our God exercises his loving care through the Spirit of Christ, as a Shepherd over his people. The ultimate guarantee that he will lead us to his eternal dwelling place is shown to us by the glorious power that rose His Son from the dead. For all those who believe in His name the resurrection is the goal but remember our Good Shepherd will provide, guide and care for our body and soul until we reach our final destination.
身體健康有多重要?今天,我們發現隨處都有很多人充分利用健身房和戶外活動來保持個人體格,原因有很多,其中包括為了有健康的身體。我們知道促進和發展體格和健康所需的資源。甚至使徒保羅也承認,鍛煉身體對我們作為神的子民確實有益處(提摩太前書 4:8)。然而,靈性健康同樣重要,甚至是我們被呼召去親自培養的主要領域。
Being a large city church, you will find groups and services to cater for all members of the family; a place where children can worship alongside their parents and grand-parents. I look forward to meeting you and your family in person in the near future.
Do you have a question? Leave us a message and one of our Welcoming team will be in touch.